Wallowing I
Golden Feast CSS Theme
This is an aesthetic theme made by c_bonefish for the Ambrose Restaurants GoIF or something like that.
To import this theme to your page, put the following text anywhere inside it:
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:golden-feast-theme]]
/* Powered on 2021/05/04 18:35:49 [2021 Wikidot Theme] Created by c_bonefish Header Code adopted from The Buck Stops Here CSS Theme by thd-glasses Info Bar Code adopted from Technoblast Theme by EstrellaYoshte ambrose a, menu a, and hovertip Code adopted from Ambrose Restaurants Hub by Proasek Background Image1: https://pixabay.com/vectors/ornate-decoration-banner-greeting-3068591/ Background Image2: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/chandelier-ornament-decor-golden-3006697/ CC BY-SA 3.0 */ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poiret+One'); :root { --title: "Ambrose Restaurants"; --short_title: "Ambrose"; } /* Header */ div#container-wrap { background: url(https://scpkrsandbox.wikidot.com/local--files/wallowing-d/golden-feast-background.png) center top repeat-x; background-size: 224px 400px; } #header h1 { margin-left: 0; padding: 0px; clear: both; float: none; } #header h1 a { color: transparent; font-size: 0px; font-family: 'Poiret One', cursive; letter-spacing: 0.5px; } #header h1 a::before { display: inline-block; width: 100%; text-align: center; content: var(--title); color: #FFF; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); top: 0; padding-top: 75px; } #header h2 { font-size: 0px; } #header #header-extra-div-1 { z-index: -1; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); top: 0; margin-top: 0px; } #header #header-extra-div-1::before{ z-index: -1; content: ""; width: 100px; height: 100px; position: absolute; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size : 280px flex: 1; } #header #header-extra-div-1 { background: url(https://scpkrsandbox.wikidot.com/local--files/wallowing-d/golden-feast-header.png) center top no-repeat; background-size : 280px } #page-content { font-size: 0.9em; } #header { background: none; } #search-top-box { position: absolute; top: 105px; right: 0px; width: 250px; text-align: right; z-index: 50; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus { border: solid 1px #AA9538; border-radius: 5px; color: #AA9538; background-color: #18002B; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5); } #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus { border: solid 1px #AA9538; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 90%; font-weight: bold; color: #AA9538; background-color: #0000FF; background: #18002B; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5); } #top-bar { width: 100%; top: 160px; z-index: 20; display: flex; justify-content: center; } .top-bar { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 80%; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: -1em; } #login-status { position: absolute; top: 20px; } #login-status { color: #ffffff; font-size: 90%; } #page-title { font-size: 2.1em; color: #A38800; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Poiret One', cursive; } #content-wrap { margin: 30px auto 0; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color: A38800; font-weight: bolder; font-family: 'Poiret One', cursive; } a:link { color: #B3A424; } a:visited { color: #F7E757; } /* Side bar */ #side-bar { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); } #side-bar .side-block { background: #18002B; border: 5px solid #A38800; border-radius: 10px 0px; } #side-bar .heading { color: #C4B73B; border-bottom: solid 3px #C4B73B; } div.open-menu a { color: #18002B!important; border-color: #18002B!important; } #side-bar div.menu-item.inactive a { color: #ffffff; } #side-bar div.menu-item .sub-text { color: #ffffff; } #side-bar a:link { color: #C4B73B; } #side-bar a:visited { color: #FFF7D8; } /* side-bar collapsible stuff */ #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link { border-bottom: solid 1px #000000; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link .collapsible-block-link { color: #000000; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link .collapsible-block-link:hover { color: #000000; } /* Rate Module */ div.page-rate-widget-box, div.page-rate-widget-box span.rate-points, div.page-rate-widget-box span.cancel { background-color: #18002B!important; border: solid #18002B 1px!important; } div.page-rate-widget-box span.rateup, div.page-rate-widget-box span.ratedown { border: solid #18002B!important; border-width: 1px 0!important; } div.page-rate-widget-box span.rate-points, div.page-rate-widget-box span.cancel a, div.page-rate-widget-box span.cancel a:hover { color: #ffffff; } div.page-rate-widget-box span.rateup, div.page-rate-widget-box span.ratedown { background-color: #ffffff!important; } div.page-rate-widget-box span.rateup a, div.page-rate-widget-box span.ratedown a { color: #000000!important; } div.page-rate-widget-box span.cancel a:hover, div.page-rate-widget-box span.rateup a:hover, div.page-rate-widget-box span.ratedown a:hover { background: transparent!important; color: transparent!important; } .info-container .collapsible-block-content .wiki-content-table{ width: 100%; } #page-content .creditRate{ margin: unset; } #page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button { background-color: #18002B; border: solid 1px #18002B; box-shadow: none; } #page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info { border: none; color: #ffffff; } #page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover { background: #A38800; color: #18002B; } /* Tab */ div.yui-navset div.yui-content { background: #ffffff; } div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav a, div.yui-navset div.yui-navset-top ul.yui-nav a { background: #fefefe; color: #000000; } div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav a:hover, div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav a:focus { background: rgb(232, 244, 255); } div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav .selected a, div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav .selected a:focus, div.yui-navset ul.yui-nav .selected a:hover { background: rgb(32, 18, 77); color: #ffffff; } /* blockquote */ blockquote { margin: 1; background: #FFFEF7; } blockquote p { padding: 1px; background: #FFFEF7; border-radius: 5px; } .scp-image-block { border: solid 1px #18002B; box-shadow: none; } .scp-image-block .scp-image-caption { background: #18002B; border-top: solid 1px #18002B; color: #A38800; } @media (max-width: 499px) { #header h1 a::before { display: inline-block; width: 100%; text-align: center; content: var(--short_title); color: #FFF; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); top: 0; padding-top: 80px; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #content-wrap { margin: 43px auto 0; } } .ambrose a{color: #AA9538} .menu a::visited{color: #AA9538} .hovertip {border: 1px solid #A38800 !important ; background-color: #260047 !important ; color: #fff7d8;}
ํ์ด์ง ๋ด์ญ: 13, ๋ง์ง๋ง ์์ : 07 May 2021 02:16